There is more than one type of Mask of Separation happening in our world today.
We all know of the pandemic and the separation it has caused – and yet do we really know all of it? Likely not. It’s changed us forever. Caused uncertainty, anguish, unsafety, nervousness and more…
We need to heal and reconnect. 
The woman or sisterhood wound is the trauma, pain, and fear that keeps the feminine shut down and prevents women from experiencing real, authentic, and sacred sisterhood, as well as, being our innate selves. It can be invisible ancestral trauma which was passed on and handed down.
This is what I would love to offer at our first monthly circle. Our healing is what is and will be expanding into the world we are creating right her and now. Our future, our children’s future, all is so important.
In our upcoming monthly woman circle groups, we can participate in circle sharing, activities rituals womb yoga kriyas, activations and meditations so we can leave feeling grounded, connected, rejuvenated, loved, present and always healing as we are loving more and more. IT’s MAGIC!
If you are new to woman circles, you will feel at home here. for details & RSVP.