Led by Travis Rybarski, this workshop will teach you an energizing meditation practice that involves chanting, body awareness, and inviting the presence of Yeshua.
Way of Yeshua is not affiliated with any religious body, but this workshop will cite Paramahansa Yogananda, Neil Douglas-Klotz (Saadi Shakur), and Richard Rohr, who come from three different traditions.
In the ancient Middle East, it was customary to follow teachers who had passed on by steeping oneself in their stories, breathing and chanting as they did, and feeling them in the heart. This workshop exists for that purpose, and the teacher we focus on is Yeshua.
Like many ancient languages, Aramaic was formed around the way that each sound felt in the bodies of the speakers. When the original words of Yeshua are chanted, it doesn't just provide a connection to him but a connection with the feelings associated with those sounds, which are stored in the collective memory of humanity.
Yeshua's word for "Light" included root sounds which, for the ancient Middle Easterner, felt like innocence, beauty, grace, spirit/breath, movement toward the Absolute, a ray of power extending out, and the peace of the primordial sound. Just this one simple word, "Light," tells a whole story.
Back when we lived as tribes led by shamans, stories would be told that could recreate the healing mystical experiences of the shaman. In this workshop, experience Yeshua's word for "Light" as a story, felt in the body, which connects you to the energization and empowerment that Yeshua transmitted.
This workshop is great for those who are interested in the teachings of Yeshua, chanting, devotional practices, the chakra system, ancient languages, transcendental and mystical experiences, and a renewed sense of vitality.
For more information on this course and others, email Travis at cosmicyeshua@gmail.com
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/way-of-yeshua-meditation-workshop-recharged-by-light-tickets-672502441907?aff=oddtdtcreator