Colleen Porter @songalchemist is coming in fresh from Costa Rica song circles with her original multi-layered songs and methods for healing ourselves through voice.
After a decade of liberating her own truth through song and voice, Colleen has spent the last several years facilitating Song empowerment and her Vocal Alchemy method throughout the US and South America… teaching voice as a way to alchemize life, harmonize our nervous system, and fall deeper in love with our authentic sound.
Colleen creates a safe space where you’ll be gracefully guided with curiosity into braver depths of the voice to fully feel and express… giving you a sample of her Vocal Alchemy followed by our voices uniting in powerful songs with special codes created specifically for these times to heal, empower, and connect us in our belonging.
By the end of the evening you will feel your energy completely recalibrated with a greater sense of peace, well-being, and aliveness.
Colleen is a Reiki Master with certifications in several holistic modalities from yoga to breathwork, and holds a degree in music education.
She facilitates customized retreats, one-on-one Vocal Reclamation, and weekly Song Alchemy circles at Sedona at her House of Song and Sound.
Look for her one woman musical “Leaving” performing its first sneak peek at Abundant Space March 4th!
$33 Energy Exchange
for further details!