Every month brings an invitation from Grandmother Full Moon to release what no longer serves us, to let go of what holds us back, and to embrace the transformative power of the moon’s energy.
This sacred ceremony will guide you through a Shamanic Journey, Full Moon Rituals, and a Cacao Ceremony—designed to help you connect deeply with yourself & Great Spirit. At the heart of the ceremony, we will also focus on connecting with the unconditional love within, and explore how by doing so, we can manifest the love we are seeking in all areas of our lives. Allowing a profound healing and transformation. The more we connect with the unconditional love within, the more we magnetize and manifest what we seek in every area of our lives.
$55 Energy Exchange
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/full-moon-shamanic-journey-cacao-ceremony-celebrating-love-tickets-1235247862609